My favorite movies include Remember the Titans, the Lord of The Rings, Harry Potter, Dead Poet Society, and basically any scary movie. Favorite books include To Kill A Mockingbird, the Lord of the Rings/the Hobbit, The Kite Runner, and basically any book I've ever read. Hiking, especially with living in Cedar City, has become my life. I adore baseball (go Diamondbacks!) and football and basically any sport. I love horseback riding, and singing, and also model rocketry! I've had the opportunity to travel to nine different countries, including the Netherlands, France, Germany, Austria, Mexico, Slovakia, Serbia, Bulgaria and Hungary. I love to travel! My number one place that I would want to go would be New Zealand, for the beautiful mountains and surrounding scenery.
I have a testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that His restored church is on the earth today, and I am so proud to be a part of it. Joseph Smith was a true prophet, and President Thomas S. Monson is our living prophet today. He, and the other apostles, will guide us through these difficult times through revelation and the Spirit. I know that He listens to us, no matter the time of day. He answers our prayers, even if they're in ways that we never had expected.
Why do I want to serve a mission? There's a sweet saying that's been circulating around the church, specifically having to do with missionary work. The quote is "A missionary leaves his family for two years so that other families can be together forever." Yes yes yes, in every way possible. What an amazing opportunity we young people have to serve the Lord in the name of the gospel and families! I want to add to this quote and explain one of the many reasons that I decided to serve a mission. Yes, a missionary leaves his family for two years so that others can be together forever. But one of the reasons that I want to serve, one of the reasons that I want to go on a mission is so that MY family can be together forever too. Coming from a background where Mormonism is NOT predominant means that I've felt the sting of seeing family members not be able to partake in the same happiness and blessings that I enjoy as a member. Being an example to my nonmember and inactive family is hands

Heavenly Father listens to us, and He knows our struggles and sorrows. Christ suffered on the cross not only for our sins, but for our pains and afflictions, illness and heartaches. He understands what we are going through perfectly. He went through that alone so that we don't have to. I have such a testimony of the restored gospel, and I am so grateful for everything that Christ has done for me. Families can be together forever! The Church is true, and it brings everlasting happiness, and I am overjoyed that I am a part of the missionary work going on in the world.
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